Friday 20 March 2015

Vegetarian Diet: A One-Week Journey

In order to function and be healthy, the human body requires a variety of foods. Nutrients, chemical compounds that are present in foods supply energy for body functions, build and replace cells that make up body tissues, and regulate body process.
There are six categories of nutrients:
·      Carbohydrates
·      Vitamins
·      Fats
·      Minerals
·      Proteins
·      Water

Many different types of diets have emerged as people are becoming more concerned with fitness and health.
·      Vegetarian Diet
·      Religious Diets
Kosher & Halal
·      Paleolithic Diet
·      Macrobiotic Diet
·      Atkins Diet

As well as different types of allergies:
·      Garlic
·      Seafood and Shell Fish
·      Mustard
·      Peanuts
·      Tree Nuts
·      Sesame Seeds
·      Milk
·      Eggs
·      Soy
·      Wheat
·      Sulphites

     As current and future chefs and restaurateurs it is our responsibility to provide nutritious food and well-balanced menus and offer a choice regarding the many different types of diets and allergies that have appeared recently.

      The dietary concept I have chosen discussed in class is the Vegetarian Diet. A vegetarian diet is one consisting entirely or mostly of foods derived from plants and the practice of abstaining from the consumption of meat. Many choose the vegetarian diet based
health related, political, environmental, cultural, aesthetic or economic reasons. There are many different categories that fall under the vegetarian diet, Ovo- vegetarian diet, Lacto-vegetarian diet, Semi-Vegetarian diet, and the Vegan diet. Ovo-vegetarian diet includes eggs but not dairy products while Lacto-vegetarian diet includes dairy products but not eggs. Ovo-lacto vegetarian diet includes both eggs and dairy products whereas Semi-vegetarian diets consist largely of vegetarian foods, but may include fish or poultry, or sometimes-other meat. And finally a vegan diet excludes all animal products, including eggs, dairy, beeswax and honey.
       Here are the best vegetarian restaurants in Toronto from Blog TO

On a vegetarian menu vegetables are no longer just side dishes, but are the center of attention. A typical vegetarian menu consists of many different types of dishes that can be prepared many ways using only plant products.

·      Stews
·      Curries
·      Chili
·      Stir-fires served with rice or noodles
·      Risotto
·      Pasta (Vegetarian Pasta, Pasta Salad)
·      Pizza (Vegetarian Pizza)
·      Casseroles

   Another example of a typical vegetarian menu can be found in the Foods of the World – India (Week
3) manual.

·      Saag Paneer
·      Lacha Paratha
·      Garam Masala
·      Basmati Pilaf
·      Aloo Gobi

 Here is one recipe that I have created that utilizes the concepts discussed in class.

Pasta Salad
15 g Arrugula
½ Cup Pasta
¼ Red Onion, Finely Sliced
¼ Cup Roasted Red Peppers, Chopped
½ Cup Roasted Peanuts, Roughly Chopped
1 Carrots, Chopped
1 Tomato, Small Dice
Balsamic Vinegar Sauce

Transitioning from a non-vegetarian diet to a vegetarian diet was interesting. Throughout the week it helped me make health conscious decisions by consuming more vegetables and fruits as well as view the vegetarian diet concept in a new light and in a non-monotonous fashion. Also, learned several categories of plant foods, ex. dried legumes, grains, nuts and seeds, and soy products contain protein as well other than animal products such as beef, pork, chicken and fish.
Some advice or ideas that would allow me to maintain my dietary choice and be a chef would be to specialize in vegetarian dishes, and create menus for vegetarian diets. After following a vegetarian diet for a week I would not continue with my choice because being a non-vegetarian my whole life I would miss the standard meats, beef, pork, chicken and fish of a typical meat-diet.


  • Gisslen, W. (2014). Chapter 27. In Professional Cooking 8th Edition (pp.91 - 104,                     807- 828). New Jersey: Jon Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Foods of the World - India (Week 2) Manual
  • HOSF1031 - Theory of Food II Week 10 Vegetarian, Nutrition & Diet Power Point 

1 comment:

  1. i could never be a vegetarian its a mental process for me. i would rather walk around the globe than be a vegetarian. sounds strange but its true
