Food Portfolio

HOSF1029: Foundations - Week 5: Potato Cookery (Duchesse Potatoes, Fondant Potatoes, Boiled Mini Red Potatoes, Scalloped Potatoes, and French Fries)

Pan Fried Lamb Chops in Herb Butter with Parsley Garnish

HOSF1002: Baking and Pastry Week 4 - Apple Pie 

HOSF1002: Baking and Pastry Week 3- Pain au Lait

HOSF1002: Baking and Pastry Week 5 - Chocolate Pot de Creme

HOSF1002: Baking and Pastry Week 5 - Vanilla Creme Brûlée

HOSF1002: Baking and Pastry Week 3 - Pain Brioche

HOSF1029: Foundations Week 3 - Vegetable Preparation (Tomato Concassee, Bruschetta and Herb Butter)

HOSF1002: Baking and Pastry Week 4 - Quiche

HOSF1002: Baking and Pastry Week 7 - Lemon Tart

HOSF1002: Baking and Pastry Week 7 - Chocolate Mousse Cake 

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